National Wild Turkey Federation Arizona
Healthy Habitats, Healthy Harvests.

31 Day Gun Raffle
Millican Earns National Conservation Award
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Arizona’s John Millican received national recognition from the National Wild Turkey Federation as one of the recipients of the Roger M. Latham Sportsman Wild Turkey Service Awards for his extraordinary dedication to the organization’s mission. Millican received the award during the NWTF’s 49th annual NWTF Convention and Sport Show, sponsored by Mossy Oak.
“I am honored to have been nominated and selected for the NWTF’s prestigious Roger M. Latham Award,” Millican said. “Being in the fraternity of past award winners highlights the importance of volunteers in the enhancement of conservation and the NWTF mission. I have been fortunate to be on the front lines of translocating Gould’s turkeys to southeast Arizona as a volunteer working with dedicated agencies, broad-based volunteers, mentors and partner organizations. These connections have provided an opportunity to develop mission-centric programs involving habitat enhancement, youth and family activities and community outreach. Enhancing volunteerism and outdoor involvement requires partner development and the support of family, national, state and local NWTF chapters. I have been blessed to be surrounded by dedicated and hard-working men and women. Answering the call as a volunteer has been rewarded through the outcomes, connections and smiles.”
Millican was one of the founding members of the Huachuca Gould’s Chapter in 1997 and continues as the chapter’s president after 22 years.
Arizona’s Dan Ferraro wins National Volunteer Award
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Arizona NWTF State Chapter board member Dan Ferraro was presented the Wheelin’ Sportsmen Volunteer of the Year Award from the National Wild Turkey Federation during the NWTF’s 49th annual Convention and Sport Show, sponsored by Mossy Oak.
“I have to admit, I’m shocked,” Ferraro said. “I had no idea they were going to nominate me for this, and I don’t know what to say. And not knowing what to say is never usually a problem. I just want to do things to help encourage people to get out and do things that they may not even think is possible. That’s my whole goal. Recognition isn’t anything I ever expected, but it was a nice surprise.”
Ferraro helps support the NWTF’s Wheelin’ Sportsmen program by buying memberships for people with disabilities. Ferraro lost his eyesight after a car wreck, and when he recovered, he wanted to help others who may have had similar experiences.
Other Awards for NWTF Arizona Chapters:
-The Superstition Strutters won the LA Dixon Award; First Place for the Best First Time Banquet
-The Mingus Mountain Longbeards won an LA Dixon; Third Place for Regular Banquet
-The Arizona State Chapter won the LA Dixon Award; First Place
Huachuca Gould’s Chapter Wins National Conservation Field Day Award
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The NWTF Huachuca Gould’s Chapter of Arizona was presented with the NWTF’s Conservation Field Day Award for the chapter’s annual work helping the Arizona Department of Fish and Wildlife conduct a survey that is vital to understanding and conserving the population of the state’s unique wild turkey subspecies.
Representatives from the chapter accepted the award at the NWTF’s 48 Annual Convention and Sport Show, sponsored by Mossy Oak.
“The Huachuca Gould’s Chapter is the most active group of conservationists I know, and I am lucky enough to work events and share camps with them,” said Roy Crain, NWTF Arizona State Chapter president. “When it comes to conservation, these folks walk the walk and talk the talk.”
In a dedicated effort to support wildlife conservation and monitor the population dynamics of Gould's wild turkeys, the Huachuca Gould's Chapter collaborated with the AGFD to conduct an essential turkey survey in southeastern Arizona. The NWTF chapter has been assisting the department with this effort since 2005. From April 14-16, 2023, surveyors and volunteers meticulously covered more than 20 routes in the Huachuca Mountains and Canelo Hills of southeastern Arizona.
See more details on this project and award by clicking here.
More Awards for NWTF Arizona
* Stellane King has won the Annie Oakley Award for outstanding work with "Women In The Outdoors"
* The Mingus Mountain Longbeards won an L.A. Dixon Award for outstanding local chapter.
* The Arizona State Chapter won an L.A. Dixon Award for outstanding State Chapter.
NWTF Presents SRP with National Conservation Award
EDGEFIELD, S.C. — The Salt River Project was presented with the National Wild Turkey Federation’s Land Stewardship Award for its work promoting wildlife habitat management in Arizona.
Elvy Barton, Salt River Project forest health management principal, accepted the award on behalf of SRP during the NWTF’s 50th anniversary celebration at its 47th annual Convention and Sport Show, sponsored by Mossy Oak.
“SRP is honored to be recognized by the National Wild Turkey Federation with the Land Stewardship Award for our work to ensure healthy forests in Arizona,” Barton said. “Millions of acres of forested lands across Arizona remain at high risk of catastrophic wildfires, which not only affects critical water supplies, but the vitality of its wildlife and their habitat. We are excited to work with partners like NWTF to promote strategic thinning of Arizona’s forests, which will ensure a resilient water supply for communities and wildlife of our state. Thank you NWTF for your dedication and partnership.”
This award honors companies (including individuals or projects supported by companies) and/or government agencies that promote wildlife habitat management.
SRP is a community-based, not-for-profit water and power provider for 2.5 million people in the greater Phoenix area. SRP is also a crucial supporter of forest health and forest restoration in Arizona.
SRP is engaged in communities and state and federal legislatures, driving social acceptance, public education and policy decisions that are beneficial for forest health work. They provide financial support from a variety of sources to fund high priority forest restoration work. General Springs is SRP’s top priority in the Cragin watershed, containing the CC Cragin reservoir and dam, as well as SRP powerlines, the Town of Payson’s water pipeline and other infrastructure. They support and partner with resource agencies, nonprofits and other organizations delivering on-the-ground implementation work. Their support for National Environmental Policy Act projects has made a difference in getting scientifically sound forest management projects off the ground.
SRP has supported the NWTF’s General Springs Forest Restoration Project by helping create meaningful relationships with the Town of Payson, Gila and Coconino counties, and they have provided or supported matching grant funding for the General Springs Project in the total amount of $761,000.
SRP recognizes that their water comes from forests located in a 13,000-square-mile area in northern and eastern Arizona. Since 2002, almost 2.9 million acres of national forest lands in and around the Salt River, Verde River and East Clear Creek watersheds has been impacted by uncharacteristically severe wildfires.
“Our partnership with Salt River Project represents all of the NWTF’s Four Shared Values,” NWTF co-CEO Kurt Dyroff said. “We look forward to our collaborative efforts to ensure Arizonans have clean and abundant water, robust recreational opportunities, resilient communities and thriving wildlife habitat. We are proud to recognize SRP as the recipient of our 2023 Land Stewardship Award.”
NWTF Chapters Receive National Outreach Awards
Five NWTF chapters received national awards for outstanding achievements in the recruitment, retention and reactivation of hunters. The R3 Award is given to chapters that facilitate hunting heritage events, including JAKES, Wheelin’ Sportsmen and Women in the Outdoors, focused on getting new hunters afield.
Arizona State Chapter – Robbins Butte Dove Hunt for Families
Arizona Wheelin' Sportsmen partnered with the Arizona Game and Fish Department for a family and disabled hunter dove hunt. The volunteers provided breakfast pastries and a catered lunch for all workers and attendees and had three families and three disabled hunters attend for a total of 22 people.
“Our R3 work is something that we try to implement into every event that we are involved in, from our JAKES camp in the spring, to our youth and Wheelin Sportsmen dove hunts in the fall and everything in between,” said Arizona State Chapter president. “Our chapters have towed our ‘JAKES take aim’ trailer all over the state to use at outdoor expos, youth events and hunts. We talk about R3 at all of our banquets and turkey calling and hunting seminars, our water catchment projects and pretty much anything the Arizona State Chapter is involved in.”
NWTF Chapters Earn National Partnership Awards
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Partnership Achievement Awards were presented to local and state NWTF chapters that collaborated with individuals, companies, agencies or nongovernmental organizations to host hunting heritage events, including JAKES, Wheelin’ Sportsmen or Women in the Outdoors events.
Arizona State Chapter – Marvin Robbins Youth Turkey Hunt
The event provides kids and their families a chance to learn about the outdoors and hunting turkeys. It is all-inclusive, including seminars explaining turkey hunting and the outdoors, information on the NWTF and provides door prizes for everyone. Mentors are provided for the youth with an emphasis on first-time hunters, and quite often, participants’ entire family gets to experience the enjoyment of the hunt.
Partners included Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation, NWTF Arizona State Chapter, Arizona Game and Fish Department and Prescott Hunters Education.
“We are incredibly proud of the great partnerships that we have in Arizona,” Arizona State Chapter President Roy Crain said. “It is through our dedicated volunteers and NWTF staff that have forged these partnerships which allow us to create such enriching events.”
NWTF and Forest Service Awards Recognize Conservation Achievements
EDGEFIELD, S.C. — The National Wild Turkey Federation’s Making Tracks with the USDA Forest Service awards recognize people and projects that best incorporate conservation education, partnerships and wild turkey management.
The NWTF presented the awards during its 50th anniversary celebration at its 47th annual Convention and Sport Show, sponsored by Mossy Oak, to projects and programs that bolstered NWTF’s mission delivery on our nation’s forests and grasslands.
Partnership Achievement: Coconino National Forest – Mogollon Rim Ranger District
The NWTF forged a new agreement with the Coconino National Forest for the General Springs Project in 2022 that will conserve and enhance roughly 3,500 acres while also providing protection for the East Clear Creek Watershed and water pipeline, which supplies the town of Payson, Arizona, with drinking water and is valued at over $300 million in water and hydroelectric infrastructure.
The agreement also provides other important infrastructure protection, including powerline corridor protection and roadside thinning.
“The true award was working with a group of individuals, both FS and NWTF, who deeply care about preserving a magical landscape for future generations,” said Robert Guebard, Forest Service Timber Contracting Officer. “[They are] Dedicated and caring in all aspects of the project.”
Tim Denny Honored for Youth Outreach Effort at NWTF Convention
NASHVILLE, TENN. – Tim Denny, of Cottonwood, Arizona, was honored by the National Wild Turkey Federation with the JAKES Volunteer of the Year Award during the 46th annual NWTF Convention and Sport Show, sponsored by Mossy Oak.
“Being a volunteer and mentor for the NWTF has been a passion of mine since I first got involved 17 years ago,” Denny said. “I felt the need to help get kids in the outdoors, and with the NWTF’s support for our Arizona Youth Turkey Camps, it become even more real. The relationships you make are very special. The NWTF not only is about conservation but getting families together in the outdoors and keeping them active for years to come, and that means a lot to me.”
At NWTF events across Arizona, Denny is described as a dedicated volunteer, talented leader, stalwart conservationist and passionate mentor. He puts together the state chapter’s JAKES Turkey Hunting Youth Camp every year, and with the help of his committee, pulls it off flawlessly year after year.
Moreover, Denny is always available to support another local chapter or event, whether it be virtually, over the phone or in person. Denny works hard for the NWTF mission and strives to put youth first.
Denny’s volunteerism doesn’t just stop with outreach events. He is always looking for ways to improve the landscape and habitat for wild turkeys. He and his chapter volunteers are working on purchasing a water trailer to haul water to wildlife guzzlers to help with water availability during Arizona’s ongoing drought.
“Not everyone has parents or family members that hunt,” NWTF CEO Becky Humphries said. “Providing opportunities for youth to learn about hunting and become stewards of our country’s natural resources is critical. We are proud to honor Tim for his dedication and altruism to providing youth opportunities to get outdoors.”